I baked a cake yesterday. Not just any cake, but my graduation cake. And not just any graduation cake, but a
12x18 cake, the biggest thing I've ever baked in my life! (12x18 inches that is, not feet. I got covered in enough batter just from this one!)

When one is baking a foot and a half long cake, proper greasing of the pan beforehand is vital. It is equally important to cover the pan well with a fine layer of flour. As a side note, when I had finished, I too was well-greased and covered with a fine layer of flour.
This is what happens when you give the camera to your sister and tell her to take some nice photos. |
Next, the eggs. All ten of them. Cracking two eggs at a time certainly helps it go faster. As an added benefit, it also adds that nice
crunch to the cake, so important for one's daily calcium intake.
How do you mix up three boxes of cake mix at once?

Just like this! I hope you like cake batter, because when you do this, you're certainly going to get a lot all over the place.
The biggest bowl of cake batter I've ever seen for the biggest cake I've ever baked...
When you mix up three boxes of cake mix my way, you end up splatting the batter on yourself and the counters (but mostly on yourself). |
Licking off the spatula just a little bit too eagerly. I get excited about cake batter, ok? |
I told her to look normal and pretend I wasn't even taking pictures.
The sad thing is, this
is normal...
After gallons of batter all over the kitchen, you may be wondering how the cake turned out. Well, see for yourself!
Yes, this is actually the only good picture I have of the cake. It was late at night... |
It's amazing how hilarious baking a giant cake can be. Of course, when you've had as much sugar as Esther and I did,
everything seems hilarious!